About Us
Eco Friendly, Biodegradable, Waste free Products, Sustainable Living
Creating awareness and inspiring positive action.
Hey Guys , I’m Maria founder of Eco Green Spirit. Thanks for dropping by my store! I am passionate about creating a waste free world and have sourced natural Eco Friendly, Waste Free Products to reduce plastic waste and put an end to landfill.
My Mission is to inspire people to reduce waste and purchase easy alternatives to live a more sustainable life.
I have always had a love for nature, especially the ocean and have found that my Eco Green Spirit products are a positive way to introduce people on how they can make a change to their everyday life to help save the planet from our worldwide problem of single use plastics.
The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. We can all think this way but if we do not take action nothing will be done. We have to hold ourselves accountable for our actions as this is the only way we are going to protect the Earth.
Please jump on board my Eco Green Spirit Tribe and help spread the word and love for this earth by subscribing to this page. We can all make a change.
There Is No Planet B - Lets Create awareness and inspire positive action towards a zero waste world.
Maria Faki

All my natural body products are hand made using the beeswax and honey from my own bee hives that are located on my Eco Farm in South Gippsland, Victoria Australia.
Along with the honey and bees wax I use natural oils and butters and essential oils that are organic and sustainably sourced. All my products are poured and packed in Eco biodegradable packaging making them zero waste products.
No plastic is used in the packaging of my products.
I try and source the best sustainable materials for our Eco Green Spirit products working with companies that are passionate about the environment using biodegradable reusable and natural products the best we can.
Bamboo being one of my favourites. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. It has been recorded growing at an amazing 47.6inches in a 24hr period and is biodegradable.
Hemp is another versatile product that I have started manufacturing products with. Hemp grows in 3- 4 months and can produce over 50,000 commercial products including anything wood, paper, cotton or plastic can be used for. It is renewable, biodegradable and not genetically modified because it is naturally pest resistant.
Natural Plant fibres is another material we have used on several of the products such as plant based Bristles, Coconut Coir, and leaf fibres off the Agave Succulent Plant.
All these are Earth Friendly and Biodegradable.
I hope you love our Eco Green Spirit products as much as we do!